This Free Drivers Ed Online course is provided for high school students in California as a community service of ACE Education Services, a California Non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. Other driving services may be provided in cooperation with affiliated companies and/or contracted service providers.
By enrolling in this Free On-Line Drivers Ed service, the student, parent, and/or guardian, (or other responsible party in this transaction,) agree with all the terms and conditions stipulated herein. Additionally, this Free On-Line Drivers Education course must be completed within 6 months as a condition of the offering. If more time is needed to complete the course, you may be subject to a $10.00 service fee. After 6 months of enrollment, the student will have to re-enroll or attend another school. If a disagreement arises after completion of the course and the parent/guardian or student chooses not to pay for any of the services that may have been agreed upon, the student may, at the discretion of, not receive a Completion Certificate, may be removed from enrollment and may attend another school. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. All California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) forms and certificates will be issued only once. If they are lost or stolen, and a replacement is required, a $20.00 research and processing fee will be assessed.
Alternatively, we will be happy to mail your Certificate of Completion to you along with your DMV form DL44, for a handling fee of $10.00 that is payable in advance. You may pay using a VISA, Master Card, or Paypal account over the telephone or On-Line using your student's log-on information.
Our fees are not negotiable without prior arrangements by management. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY PAYMENTS IN THE FORM OF A CHECK...NO EXCEPTIONS. All payments will be to “Free Drivers Education Online” and no other person(s.) All legal and collection fees, in the event of any dispute or situation where fees are incurred, will be to the account of the student and any other responsible party on the account. The cost of service is subject to change without notice. THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS FOR ANY REASON.